FS25 Новый урожай: рис и длиннозерный рис

FS25 Новый урожай: рис и длиннозерный рис
Here’s the thing about rice in Farming Simulator 25: not all rice is created equal. There are two different types — long grain rice and what we just call «rice». Let’s take a closer look at the differences between the two, shall we?
Types of rice
Rice and long grain rice require different levels of water, machinery for planting and harvesting, and of course, seeds. Long grain rice is not planted in water like the other. Instead, the long grain rice field is flooded AFTER planting, not before. But let’s start at the beginning!
Rice fields
Both types of rice are planted or sown in rice paddies (also called rice fields) — a special type of field that is deepened to hold water. That’s why you need open space on your land.
The build menu is where you begin the creation process. Instead of just placing a box, you can shape it into any size or shape.
Rice greenhouses
This is not necessary — you can buy seedlings from a dealer. Or you build a special greenhouse designed for growing rice seedlings. If your agricultural ambitions are based on increasing rice production, you should consider growing them yourself.
Planting and harvesting rice
Here’s the equipment you’ll need to plant and harvest rice: you’ll need a tractor, a cultivator, a specialized rice planter, and a combine and trailer. Some lime should also be on hand – but only to complete the entire process. Rice fields are pre-limed when they’re built, so you don’t need to apply it at the beginning.
Activate the water pump to flood the field, then plant the seedlings. Since the rice planter takes care of the fertilizer, you won’t need an additional fertilizer spreader like you would with other crops.
The pump will automatically supply the required amount of water. Just check the pump daily to maintain the correct level, otherwise you will lose seedlings and crops. All the water will be absorbed by thirsty plants by the end of the growth cycle.
Once the rice is ripe, harvest it and decide whether to sell, store, or process it into food. To grow another batch of rice, apply lime to the field and treat the rice after harvest. Lime will only be needed after several harvests. Check the field information to see if it is needed!
Sowing and harvesting long grain rice
With long grain rice, you don’t need water to seed the plant yet. Long grain rice is dry-sown. Just fill the planter with seeds and start sowing row after row until you cover the entire field.
After that, you flood the rice field and have to maintain different water levels at different stages of growth. Don’t worry, the pump will only let the required amount of water through. Check the water pump daily to ensure the correct level is maintained. If you don’t, you will lose some of your rice seedlings.
Once the plant is ready to harvest and has absorbed all the fresh, delicious water, simply head to your combine and get behind the wheel! Your standard combine with a grain header will do the job.
Sell it, store it, or process it further in separate production facilities. But we’re not done yet! To grow another batch of rice, apply lime to the field and cultivate the rice with a cultivator.
Growth Stages: Rice and Long Grain Rice
farming simulator 25